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Brewing tea or boiling tea ? tell you how to choose the best way to drink tea in home


Brewing tea, refers to the use of a tureen,  flush out of the tea soup. 

And boiling tea, is directly use the teapot, electric pottery stove, then add water to boil tea.

At present, these are the two most mainstream tea drinking methods .Compared with the two, each has its own advantages, in different occasions, can be changed accordingly. 

The advantage of boiling tea is that it is fast and efficient. Free hands, do not need to participate in the whole process, as long as the appropriate time to fire and off the fire, control the tea brewing time can be. 

Also, the capacity of the teapot is generally large. A pot of about 500ml is several times the size of a standard tureen. It can be seen that if a lot of guests come to the home, you can choose to boil tea. 

The main purpose of gathering is obviously not to drink tea, but to exchange feelings.

 Brewing tea requires skill.

110ml standard tureen, before brewing tea, you need to weigh the tea, different kinds of tea, different amount of tea, according to the proportion can make a good flavor. 

After the tea pouring, it is followed by water injection.

Water injection is also exquisite, it is best to inject water around the wall, draw circles on the surface of dry tea, can let the tea be infiltrated faster. 

This should be done quickly, but not in a hurry, or the boiling water could easily spill out, spill on the table or burn yourself. 

Then the soup, good tea advocates "quick water", from water injection to most of the tea, it is best to control in 7-8 seconds, avoid stuffy bubble, otherwise the tea will be bitter. 

However, it takes practice to get to where you want to be.

After all, boiling tea is not a permanent solution. On special occasions, it can be substituted for brewing tea.

However, we still can't give up brewing tea. High quality tea has rich endoplasm, good brewed resistance. These advantages can only be achieved with a tureen. More than 10 bubbles in one bite, which is really strong and durable tea. 

So no matter which method, reasonable distribution, in order to achieve the best use of things.