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Precautions about using green tea


1. The skin care and beauty effect of green tea is mainly one of the substances called tea polyphenols. This substance has an antioxidant effect. In combination with vitamins B and E, it can replenish moisture and firm the skin. However, it should be noted that tea polyphenols, as a general term for phenolic substances or their derivatives, are easily volatilized in the air and lose their antioxidant effect. Therefore, such skin care products, especially facial masks, are better based on the new tea products of the year.

2. Green tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, and when it coexists with tea polyphenols, it can prevent caffeine from acting in the stomach and avoid stimulating the secretion of gastric acid, so that the disadvantages of caffeine are not exerted in the body, but it can promote positive functions of the central nervous system, heart and liver.The aromatic compounds in green tea can also dissolve fat and prevent fat accumulation in the body. Caffeine can also promote the secretion of gastric juice, which is helpful for digestion and cellulite. However, women should not drink more during the period. Because green tea contains more tannic acid, it will combine with iron molecules in food to form a large amount of sediment, which hinders the absorption of iron molecules by intestinal mucosa. The thicker the green tea, the greater the impediment to iron absorption, especially when drinking tea after meals. Therefore, women and people with anemia, even in normal times, it is best to drink less strong tea.

Premium Quality Maofeng Fresh Loose leaf Green Tea MF602