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Thing you should avoid when drinking tea


1. The best time to drink tea is after meals, because drinking tea on an empty stomach will hurt the body, especially for people who don’t drink tea often, it will inhibit the secretion of gastric juice, hinder digestion, and even cause “tea drunk” such as palpitations and headaches.
2. When drinking tea at night, you should put less tea leaves, and do not make the tea too strong.
It is important to note that you must not drink overnight tea
3.The temperature is generally higher in summer, and tea should not exceed 12 hours. You can't make tea with a thermos cup to avoid the loss of nutrients.

4.Berberine and tea cannot be eaten at the same time. Drinking tea should be prohibited within 2 hours before and after taking berberine. Tea water contains about 10% tannin. Tannin is an alkaloid precipitation agent, which can combine with the alkaloids in berberine to form insoluble tannin precipitation, reducing the efficacy of berberine. 

CTC Black Tea Powder for Milky Tea QW4