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Beneficial ingredients in tea


1. Tea polyphenols are the most abundant soluble components in tea, and are also the most important substances for tea to exert its health care effects. The most typical representative is catechin (phenol), which has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cardiovascular effects. It has many functions such as the incidence of disease, lowering blood lipids, reducing body fat formation, antibacterial, and changing the ecology of intestinal flora. Studies have shown that after drinking a cup of tea for half an hour, the antioxidant capacity in the blood increases by 41% to 48%, and can last for one and a half hours at a high level.
2. Tea pigments mainly include chlorophyll, β-carotene, etc., which can delay aging and beauty.
3. Theanine can improve brain function, enhance memory and learning ability. It has preventive effect on Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and autonomic dysfunction.
4. Tea polysaccharide is a kind of complex mixture. Tea polysaccharides have anti-radiation, increase the number of white blood cells, improve immunity, and lower blood sugar.
5. The content of γ-aminobutyric acid in natural tea leaves is not much, but the content of tea leaves is greatly increased after processing. The main effect of γ-aminobutyric acid is to dilate blood vessels to lower blood pressure, so it can assist in the treatment of hypertension. It can also improve cerebral blood circulation and enhance the metabolic capacity of brain cells, which is helpful for the rehabilitation of stroke (stroke), sequelae of cerebral arteriosclerosis, etc.

6. A research team from Nagoya University in Japan recently discovered that pyrroloquinoline quinone in tea has the effect of delaying aging and prolonging life. Pyrroloquinoline quinone was discovered around 1970, and subsequent studies have shown that it has antioxidant and neuroprotective effects, so it is often used in health care products and cosmetics.

EU Standard Meitancuiya Loose leaves Green Tea