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How to drink tea more healthily?


1. It is forbidden to drink the first tea, because the tea is polluted by pesticides and other harmful substances in the process of cultivation and processing, there is always a certain residue on the surface of the tea.
2. Avoiding drinking tea on an empty stomach,drinking tea on an empty stomach can dilute gastric juice and reduce digestive function, resulting in a large amount of bad ingredients in tea entering the bloodstream, causing symptoms such as dizziness, palpitation, and weakness of limbs.
3. Trying not to drink new tea, because new tea has a short storage time, so it contains more unoxidized polyphenols, aldehydes and alcohols, which have a strong stimulating effect on human gastrointestinal mucosa and easily induce stomach problems. New tea that has been stored for less than half a month should be avoided.
4. People with stomach cold should not drink too much tea. Excessive amount of tea will cause gastrointestinal discomfort. People with neurasthenia and insomnia should not drink tea before going to bed. Women who are breastfeeding should also drink less tea. Tea has astringent effects on milk.

5.  Avoiding taking medicine with green tea, avoid drinking overnight tea. Tannic acid in green tea will combine with many drugs to form precipitation, hinder absorption and affect drug efficacy.

Natural Taste Maofeng Green Tea